Friday, 23 May 2014

Water, water and more water...

The theme of today seems to be water. This morning kicked off with five kilometres of hill training in spitting rain - and it was along the river. Then myself and boyfriend walked to Tesco to pick up some lunch (if you've never had their sweet chilli chicken wrap, drop whatever you're doing and go get one right this second) and it rained on us. Plus recently I've been going crazy on the hydration front, so this is my stash right now...

The mug has tea in it - what else?! I actually drank that Deep Riverrock bottle after my run and refilled it, so this is even more ridiculous than it looks. I used to find it tough to stay hydrated but for some reason drinking water is so much easier recently and I usually go over my two-litres-a-day goal. (Don't worry, I know how much is too much! I won't go overboard with the water and screw up my sodium/electrolytes.)

I'm heading home this weekend so my workouts for the next couple of days will probably involve biking, running through the countryside, and doing weights with my teeny little weight tree (the biggest is only 4.5kg!). I promise to take a bunch of pictures to make up for my woeful lack of them so far this week...

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