Sunday, 18 May 2014

Weekly Workout Recap: 12-18 May

Monday: 4km hills on treadmill, weights
Tuesday: 5km interval speedwork, core work

Wednesday: cross-training day: 30 min bike, 10 min stair climber, Keiser air resistance 
Thursday: rest
Friday: 5km moderate pace run, weights, 45 min walk

Saturday: 10km long run

Sunday: 4km tempo run, 20 min bike, weights, core work

Is it just me or am I making really creepy eyes in that photo? Maybe it's my "I nearly died on my tempo run" face... also you NEED to try this salmon. It's the lime, chilli and ginger salmon from Aldi that you buy individually, and it is SO good. I'm not normally one for adding a lot of extra flavours to my food but I love this and it's not expensive at all.
It has been a looooooong week! It's been a really great running week and a really great exam week, but I'm so tired after it. But only one exam left - come Tuesday I'll be literally the happiest girl you've ever seen. Roll on summer!

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