Monday, 26 May 2014

Weekly Workout Recap - 19-25 May

Monday: rest
Tuesday: 7km moderate pace run, weights, air resistance
Wednesday: 1km speedwork, 45 min bike, core
Thursday: 5km tempo, core
Friday: 5km hill training
Saturday: rest
Sunday: 45 min bike

Okay, so this week wasn't as great as it should have been - and I'm a day late with my recap. Turns out house-sitting for my parents didn't leave me as much workout time as I thought it would - when you're in the middle of nowhere and it's pouring rain, running goes from a pain to being actually dangerous, since nobody would see you even with high-vis gear on. So I took Saturday off - which actually was useful since I'm trying to shuffle my rest days to be on Saturday or Sunday anyway - and biked on Sunday instead (a bit less hazardous). Don't worry, my long run happened this morning instead!

I was also a photo-taking failure - my phone managed to die at the least convenient possible times for blogging, so I've barely any. But I do have some pictures of some yummy food from the week... 

A wholemeal bagel with low-fat spread and strawberries, aka the nicest breakfast I've ever eaten, and a toasted chicken and cream cheese sandwich on wholemeal with a Pink Lady apple. (I used to be obsessed with Pink Lady apples but I've started finding them a bit too sweet.... weird.)

THIS IS THE BEST ICE CREAM YOU WILL EVER EAT. I am not joking. Half chocolate with chocolate chips, half caramel, with a 'core' of actual caramel that's about an inch across. You need this in your life, seriously.

In other news... I spotted these in Tesco and had to take a picture. 

Exciting News!

Tomorrow morning (suuuuuper early... we're leaving in six hours... sob) I'm going to PARIS! I'll be there for four days (early Tuesday to late Friday) with my boyfriend. So I won't be posting, but get ready for an epic post when I come back! I'll be running while I'm there since I've got the Flora 10k on Monday, and I'll be taking advantage of all the super cheap produce you can buy everywhere in Paris. (Don't worry, I'm sure I'll be enjoying some macarons and waffles too!) 

How do you know you're a healthy living blogger? ... your suitcase contains both running shoes and a box of Nakd bars. (I feel silly having to squish my suitcase closed not because of any of my actual clothes or anything but because the Nakd box keeps catching the zip.) 

See you all very soon! 

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